Make a donation.
Your donations help us maintain our safer use supplies and provide services to Texans who use drugs!
Solidarity Squad is our monthly donor program for those who want to support in a sustained manner!
Donate Items
Our Drop-In Center in Austin, Texas sees about 40-70 people a day, many of them unhoused. Our Drop-In Center supplies our community with clothes, hair care products, and seasonal gear for extreme weather. Your donations will directly keep our folks safe.
You can donate via Amazon Wishlist or in person at our Drop-In Center
Donations we accept at drop-in:
Narcan and naloxone (we CAN accept expired Narcan/naloxone
Sleeping bags
Camping tents
Art supplies & journals
Hygiene products, like shampoo and soap
Menstrual products, like tampons and pads
Wound care & first aid, like bandaids, gauze, and ointment
Dog & cat food
Snack foods & beverages
Clean socks & underwear
Clothing for adults
Must be appropriate to the season (summer clothes in summer, winter clothing in winter – we don’t have storage space for out-of-season clothing)
Must be in good or gently used condition
We can not take in donations of: children’s clothing or other children’s items; pantry goods that require cooking (like boxes of pasta or bags of rice); or damaged/torn adult clothing.
Most donations can be dropped off during our regular hours, Mondays - Thursdays, 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm, at 1803 E Cesar Chavez.
For larger donations, please call or email us to coordinate a drop-off time.
If you have any questions about how to donate or if you would like to donate items that are not on this list, please contact us by calling 512-893-3237 or emailing"