Past campaigns and projects

THRA Organizing Project

The organizing project was the community organizing arm of Texas Harm Reduction Alliance. It existed to end the war on drugs and homelessness through local and state-level community organizing. due to the need for increased organizing capacity in the state of Texas, the organizing project has spun off into a separate organization called VOCAL-Texas.


#MethadoneNow was a fundraiser created after we were informed by Austin Public Health that we were not 
to use funds from our city contract on methadone treatment for our participants. We elected
to use this decision as an opportunity to launch a campaign that would educate the public about the 
methadone and its usefulness in treatment for opioid use disorder while also raising funds to
to continue the treatment of our participants.

In Our Hands

Through a participatory action research (PAR) project, with support from the City of Austin's Equity Office, Texas Harm Reduction Alliance engaged directly impacted community members in data collection and analysis to identify alternatives to arrest, incarceration and confinement for unhoused people who use drugs.